
New in version 1.6.0.

Since version 1.6.0, lemoncheesecake provides an API to read the reports generated during test runs. The entry-point of this API is the load_report() function which returns a Report instance. From this object, every report details (suites, tests, logs, etc…) is accessible.

The complete API reference is available here.

In this page, the API is demonstrated through two use cases.

Example 1: generating a CSV file from a report

This example script takes a report path (file or directory) as first argument and generate a CSV representation from this report:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import csv

from lemoncheesecake.reporting import load_report

def test_to_dict(test):
    return {
        "test": test.path,
        "description": test.description,
        "status": test.status,
        "tags": ",".join(test.tags)

report = load_report(sys.argv[1])
csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(sys.stdout, ("test", "description", "status", "tags"))
csv_writer.writerows(map(test_to_dict, report.all_tests()))
$ ./ report/
suite.test_1,My First Test,passed,some_tag
suite.test_2,My Second Test,failed,

Example 2: generating a summary of the report results

This example script takes a report path (file or directory) as first argument and generate a short summary from it:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import csv

from lemoncheesecake.reporting import load_report

report = load_report(sys.argv[1])
print(report.build_message("Test results: {passed}/{enabled} passed ({passed_pct}) in {duration}"))
$ ./ report/
Test results: 1/2 passed (50%) in 3s