The lcc command line tool

lcc commands

lcc run

Like most of the lcc sub-commands, lcc run benefits from the filtering arguments but also from extra arguments that allow a finer control over tests execution and reporting:


A project path (see Suites discovery for more details).


The number of threads used to execute tests; default is one thread (meaning tests are run sequentially). The number of threads can also be set through the $LCC_THREADS environment variable (the CLI argument will have precedence over this variable).


The list of reporting backends to use, default are: “console”, “html” and “json”. The backends passed as argument will override this list. It can also be customized through the $LCC_REPORTING environment variable (the CLI argument will have precedence over this variable).

Changed in version 1.1.0: It’s possible to add or remove reporting backends to/from the default backends using + and ^ prefixes. For instance, --reporting console json html junit to add “junit” can be simplified into --reporting +junit.

Other examples:

$ lcc run --reporting ^console  # turn off console reporting
$ lcc run --reporting ^console +junit  # turn off console reporting and turn on junit reporting
$ lcc run --reporting html json  # only generate the HTML report

Please note that:

  • turn on/off directives cannot be mixed with a fixed backend list, example: --reporting console +junit is invalid

  • the “html” backend generates the static HTML/JS/CSS files required to read the reporting data generated by the “json” backend, meaning that both reporting backends must be specified to have a readable HTML report


The directory where the files generated by the reporting backends will be stored. The default directory is the report sub-directory within the project directory, in the case the former report directory will be archived in the reports (with an “s”) sub-directory. The directory can be also be set through the $LCC_REPORT_DIR environment variable (the CLI argument will have precedence over this variable).


Set the frequency at which reporting backends such as “json” and “xml” will save the reporting data on disk. Possibles values for this option are: at_end_of_tests, at_each_suite, at_each_test, at_each_failed_test, at_each_log, every_${N}s (the reporting data will be saved every “N” seconds). The default value for this option is at_each_failed_test. This behavior can also be configured through the $LCC_SAVE_REPORT environment variable (the CLI argument will have precedence over this variable).


lcc run exits with a “0” exit code when the tests have been successfully executed (no matter their status), with this option it will exit with a “1” exit code if any failure (error log of failed check) has been encountered


Stops the execution of the tests on the first non-passed test, remaining tests will be marked as skipped


Force the execution of disabled tests

lcc check

Check if the test project is valid, which means:

  • the can be properly loaded

  • the suite modules can be properly loaded

  • fixtures are ok (fixtures are known, scope is ok, no circular dependency, etc…)

  • metadata policy is respected

$ lcc check
Everything is ok

lcc show

Shows the project tests hierarchy.

$ lcc show
* suite_1
    - suite_1.test_1 (slow, priority:low)
    - suite_1.test_2 (priority:low)
    - suite_1.test_3 (priority:medium, #1235)
    - suite_1.test_4 (priority:low)
    - suite_1.test_5 (priority:high)
    - suite_1.test_6 (slow, priority:high)
    - suite_1.test_7 (priority:high)
    - suite_1.test_8 (priority:medium)
    - suite_1.test_9 (priority:medium)
* suite_2
    - suite_2.test_1 (priority:low)
    - suite_2.test_2 (priority:low)
    - suite_2.test_3 (priority:high)
    - suite_2.test_4 (priority:medium)
    - suite_2.test_5 (priority:low)
    - suite_2.test_6 (priority:low)
    - suite_2.test_7 (priority:medium)
    - suite_2.test_8 (slow, priority:low, #1234)
    - suite_2.test_9 (slow, priority:medium)

lcc diff

Compares two reports.

$ lcc diff reports/report-1/ report/
Added tests (1):
- suite_3.test_1 (passed)

Removed tests (1):
- suite_1.test_9 (failed)

Status changed (2):
- suite_2.test_3 (failed => passed)
- suite_2.test_4 (passed => failed)

lcc fixtures

Shows available project fixtures.

$ lcc fixtures

Fixture with scope pre_run:
| Fixture | Dependencies | Used by fixtures | Used by tests |
| fixt_1  | -            | 1                | 1             |

Fixture with scope session:
| Fixture | Dependencies | Used by fixtures | Used by tests |
| fixt_2  | fixt_1       | 1                | 2             |
| fixt_3  | -            | 2                | 1             |

Fixture with scope suite:
| Fixture | Dependencies | Used by fixtures | Used by tests |
| fixt_4  | fixt_3       | 0                | 2             |
| fixt_6  | fixt_3       | 1                | 1             |
| fixt_5  | -            | 0                | 0             |

Fixture with scope test:
| Fixture | Dependencies   | Used by fixtures | Used by tests |
| fixt_7  | fixt_6, fixt_2 | 0                | 2             |
| fixt_8  | -              | 0                | 1             |
| fixt_9  | -              | 0                | 1             |

lcc stats

Shows project statistics.

$ lcc stats
| Tag  | Tests | In % |
| slow | 4     | 22%  |

| Property | Value  | Tests | In % |
| priority | low    | 8     | 44%  |
| priority | medium | 6     | 33%  |
| priority | high   | 4     | 22%  |

| Name  | URL                     | Tests | In % |
| #1234 | | 1     |  5%  |
| #1235 | | 1     |  5%  |

Total: 18 tests in 2 suites

lcc report

Shows a generated report on the console, passing the --short argument will print it the same way as lcc run does.

$ lcc report
Test Organization end-point
|       | Get lemoncheesecake organization information                                                     |                                                              |
| INFO  | GET                                                  |                                                              |
| CHECK | Expect HTTP code to be equal to 200                                                              | Got 200                                                      |
| INFO  | Response                                                                                         |                                                              |
|       | {                                                                                                |                                                              |
|       |     "login": "lemoncheesecake",                                                                  |                                                              |
|       |     "id": 28742541,                                                                              |                                                              |
|       |     "node_id": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjI4NzQyNTQx",                                               |                                                              |
|       |     "url": "",                                        |                                                              |
|       |     "repos_url": "",                            |                                                              |
|       |     "events_url": "",                          |                                                              |
|       |     "hooks_url": "",                            |                                                              |
|       |     "issues_url": "",                          |                                                              |
|       |     "members_url": "{/member}",               |                                                              |
|       |     "public_members_url": "{/member}", |                                                              |
|       |     "avatar_url": "",                       |                                                              |
|       |     "description": "Python framework for functional/QA testing",                                 |                                                              |
|       |     "name": "lemoncheesecake",                                                                   |                                                              |
|       |     "company": null,                                                                             |                                                              |
|       |     "blog": "",                                |                                                              |
|       |     "location": null,                                                                            |                                                              |
|       |     "email": "",                                                                                 |                                                              |
|       |     "is_verified": false,                                                                        |                                                              |
|       |     "has_organization_projects": true,                                                           |                                                              |
|       |     "has_repository_projects": true,                                                             |                                                              |
|       |     "public_repos": 1,                                                                           |                                                              |
|       |     "public_gists": 0,                                                                           |                                                              |
|       |     "followers": 0,                                                                              |                                                              |
|       |     "following": 0,                                                                              |                                                              |
|       |     "html_url": "",                                            |                                                              |
|       |     "created_at": "2017-05-16T22:03:10Z",                                                        |                                                              |
|       |     "updated_at": "2017-05-25T09:58:35Z",                                                        |                                                              |
|       |     "type": "Organization"                                                                       |                                                              |
|       | }                                                                                                |                                                              |
|       | Check API response                                                                               |                                                              |
| CHECK | Expect "type" to be equal to "Organization"                                                      | Got "Organization"                                           |
| CHECK | Expect "id" to be an integer                                                                     | Got 28742541                                                 |
| CHECK | Expect "description" to be not equal to null                                                     | Got "Python framework for functional/QA testing"             |
| CHECK | Expect "login" to be present                                                                     | Got "lemoncheesecake"                                        |
| CHECK | Expect "created_at" to match pattern "^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}Z$"                    | Got "2017-05-16T22:03:10Z"                                   |
| CHECK | Expect "has_organization_projects" to be a boolean that is equal to true                         | Got true                                                     |
| CHECK | Expect "followers" to be greater than or equal to 0                                              | Got 0                                                        |
| CHECK | Expect "following" to be greater than or equal to 0                                              | Got 0                                                        |
| CHECK | Expect "repos_url" to end with "/repos"                                                          | Got ""      |
| CHECK | Expect "issues_url" to end with "/issues"                                                        | Got ""     |
| CHECK | Expect "events_url" to end with "/events"                                                        | Got ""     |
| CHECK | Expect "hooks_url" to end with "/hooks"                                                          | Got ""      |
| CHECK | Expect "members_url" to end with "/members{/member}"                                             | Got "{/me |
|       |                                                                                                  | mber}"                                                       |
| CHECK | Expect "public_members_url" to end with "/public_members{/member}"                               | Got " |
|       |                                                                                                  | ers{/member}"                                                |

lcc top-suites

Show suites ordered by their duration.

$ lcc top-suites
Suites, ordered by duration:
| Suite   | Duration | In % |
| suite_2 | 2.000s   | 66%  |
| suite_1 | 1.000s   | 33%  |

lcc top-tests

Shows tests ordered by their duration.

$ lcc top-tests
Tests, ordered by duration:
| Suite        | Duration | In % |
| suite_2.test | 2.000s   | 66%  |
| suite_1.test | 1.000s   | 33%  |

lcc top-steps

Shows steps aggregated, ordered by their duration.

$ lcc top-steps
Steps, aggregated and ordered by duration:
| Step               | Occ. | Min.   | Max    | Avg.   | Total  | In % |
| Do something       | 2    | 1.000s | 2.000s | 1.500s | 3.000s | 75%  |
| Do something else  | 1    | 1.000s | 1.000s | 1.000s | 1.000s | 25%  |

lcc filtering arguments

lcc sub commands run, show, stats, report, top-suites, top-tests, top-steps and diff take advantage of a powerful set of filtering arguments.


Filter on specified test/suite path. The wildcard character * is supported. A path can also be negated using using the ^ prefix. Examples:

$ lcc run suite.test1  # run suite.test1
$ lcc run suite.test1 suite.test2  # run both suite.test1 and suite.test2
$ suite.test*  # run all tests that match suite.test*
$ lcc run ^suite.test1  # run all tests that are NOT suite.test1
$ lcc report --path suite.test1  # see report results for suite.test1

Please note that lcc report takes the path value with --path instead of a positioning argument.


Filter on specified test/suite description.

--tag, -a

Filter on test/suite tags.

--property, -m

Filter on specified test/suite properties. The value syntax is “key:value”. Example:

$ lcc run --property priority:high

Filter on specified test/suite associated links, both on name and url.

$ lcc run --link

Filter on passed tests.


Filter on failed tests.


Filter on failed tests.


Alias for --failed --skipped.


Filter on disabled tests.


Filter on enabled tests.

--grep, -g

Filter on report’s content (either tests, test session setup, test session teardown, suite setups suite teardowns). Every text content within steps is searched. The argument is a pattern that is case insensitive and multi-line.

New in version 1.2.0.


Filter on specified argument. When this option is used, all the filtering option will be applied on the report.

A typical use-case of this functionality is to re-run failed tests from a previous report:

$ lcc run --failed --from-report reports/report-2

Or simply:

$ lcc run --failed

if you want to re-run the failed tests from the latest run.

More about path (or --path), --desc, --tag, --property, --link arguments:

  • they accept the wilcard character *

  • they accept a leading ^ character before the value (examples: --tag ^slow, --properties priority:^low) standing for an exclusion instead of an inclusion

  • they can take multiple values and be specified multiple times, acting as (respectively) logical OR and AND, examples:

    • --tag slow fast: will match tests/suites that have a “slow” OR “fast” associated tags

    • --tag slow --tag critical: will match tests/suites that have a “slow” AND “critical” tags

    • both forms can be combined: --tag slow fast --tag critical

    • path/--path only provides a OR

  • when the filter is applied, the suite hierarchy is taken into account. For instance, if a suite has a specified tag, then all (direct or indirect) sub-suites and tests will also match that given tag

More about --passed, --failed, --skipped, --non-passed, --grep:

  • these arguments work directly with the lcc report command.

  • things are more subtle with other lcc sub-commands where these arguments are used in combination with the --from-report. When using this later option, the filter will be based on the report.

Please note that:

  • some options might not be available to specific commands (because they would not relevant)

  • some options might not be used together (because it’s ambiguous or because it would not make sense)