Setup and teardown methods

Test suites provide several methods that give the user the possibility to execute code at particular steps of the suite execution:

  • setup_suite() is called before executing the tests of the suite; if something wrong happens (a call to log_error or a raised exception) then the whole suite execution is aborted
  • setup_test(test) takes the test instance as argument and is called before each test, if something wrong happen then the test execution is aborted
  • teardown_test(test, status) is called after each test, it takes the test instance as argument and the status of the test “so far”, if something wrong happens the executed test will be mark as failed
  • teardown_suite() is called after executing the tests of the suite


  • code within setup_suite and teardown_suite methods is executed in a dedicated context and the data it generates (checks, logs) will be represented the same way as a test in the test report
  • code within setup_test and teardown_test methods is executed within the related test context and the data it generates will be associated to the given test