
Lemoncheesecake provides a fixture system similar to what pytest offers ( Fixtures are a powerful and modular way to inject dependencies into your tests.

# fixtures/

import requests
import lemoncheesecake.api as lcc

def user_auth(cli_args):
    # we assume that custom cli arguments "user" and "password" have been
    # previously set through project file
    return cli_args.user, cli_args.password

def api(user_auth):
    session = requests.Session()
    session.auth = user_auth
    return session

# suites/

import lemoncheesecake.api as lcc

    "description": "My Suite"

@lcc.test("Some test")
def some_test(api):
    resp = api.get("GET", "/some/resource")

Fixtures can be injected into suites through parameters passed to setup_suite and class instance / module attributes:

# suites/

import lemoncheesecake.api as lcc

    "description": "My Suite"

def setup_suite(api):

# tests/

import lemoncheesecake.api as lcc

    "description": "My Suite"

api = lcc.inject_fixture()

Fixtures with scope session_prerun that have been previously executed through a dependency can get be retrieved using lcc.get_fixture(name).

Four fixture scopes are available (higher to lower scope):

  • session_prerun: fixtures with this scope will be called before the test session is started, meaning that the fixture cannot use any of the log_*, check_*, etc… functions. If a fixture with this scope raises an exception, it will prevent the tests to be executed. This behavior can be used in conjunction with the UserError exception and the cli_args fixture to handle bad CLI arguments
  • session: fixtures with this scope are initialized at the global level
  • suite: fixtures with this scope are initialized at the test suite level; if a suite “A” uses a suite scoped fixture (through a test for example), and a sub suite “B” uses the same fixture, then the fixture is initialized two times: one time for “A” and the other time for “B”
  • test: fixtures with this scope are initialized at the test level

Please note that:

  • a fixture can be called through multiple names specified in the names parameter (otherwise the fixture name is the fixture function name):

    @lcc.fixture(names=("fixt_a", "fixt_b"))
    def fixt():
  • fixture teardown can be implemented using yield to initially return the fixture value and then to de-initialize the fixture:

    def resource_file():
        fh = open("/some/file", "r")
        yield fh
  • a fixture can use other fixtures as arguments, in this case the scope level compatibility must be respected: for example, a test scoped fixture can use a session scoped fixture, but the opposite is not true

Lemoncheesecake provides several special builtin fixtures:

  • cli_args (scope: session_prerun) is the object returned by parse_args of the argparse module and that contains the actual CLI arguments; this fixture can be used to access custom command line arguments previously setup by the method add_custom_cli_args of the project class declared in the lemoncheesecake project file
  • project_dir (scope: session_prerun) is the path of the project, meaning the directory of the project file
  • fixture_name is the name of the called fixture and can only be used by a fixture. A typical use case is a fixture with multiple names, fixture_name can be used to identify through which name the fixture has been called and adapts its behavior accordingly

Using the default file, fixtures will be loaded from the fixtures sub directory.